Mix Window Shortcuts
Turning Tricks
Some tasks can take a long time if you are clicking here there and everywhere, but there are a few neat tricks you can use to speed up some of the processes in the mix window.
Copying Inserts/Sends to another track
How: Hold down Option (mac) Alt (windows) and click&drag the insert/send to another track
Why: Useful for when you need to use exactly the same settings on another channel, or if you want to use settings as a starting point.
Moving Inserts/Sends
How: Click, drag and release!
Why: Even pro’s add inserts on the wrong track from time to time
Bypassing Inserts/Sends
- Command_Click (mac) Control_Click (windows) an insert to bypass it.
- To bypass all inserts/sends on a row Command_Option_Click (mac) Control_Alt_Click (windows) an insert.
- To bypass inserts/sends on selected channels on the same row Shift_Command_Option_Click (mac) Shift_Control_Alt_Click (windows) an insert.
Why: When you are recording, mixing or editing anything that saves mouse-clicks is essential! Time is money!
Deactivating/Activating Inserts
How: The same principle as above, except use:
- Command_Control_Click (mac) Control_Start_Click (windows) to toggle one
- Command_Option_Control_Click (mac) Control_Alt_Start_Click (windows) to toggle all on one row
- Shift_Command_Control_Option_Click (mac) Shift_Control_Start_Alt_Click (windows) for selected channels (same row as before).
Deactivating/Activating Tracks
How: As above except:
- Command_Control_Click (mac) Control_Start_Click (windows) the Track Type Indicator to toggle a single track
- Command_Option_Control_Click (mac) Control_Alt_Start_Click (windows) to toggle all tracks
- Shift_Command_Control_Opt_Click (mac) Shift_Control_Start_Alt_Click (windows) to toggle only selected tracks.
Quick Tip: The same finger-bending modifier keys as above can be used when soloing, muting, record-enabling, Input-monitoring (HD only) and using solo safe…
Setting Multiple Track I/O’s
- To set all tracks to the same input or output use Option_Click (mac) Alt_Click (windows).
- To set selected tracks to the same input or output use Shift_Option_Click (mac) Shift_Alt_Click (windows).
- To set all track inputs or outputs in ascending order use Command_Option_Click (mac) Control_Alt_Click (windows).
- To set selected track’s inputs or outputs in ascending order use Shift_Command_Option_Click (mac) Shift_Control_Alt_Click (windows).
Setting Faders to Zero
- Option_Click (mac) Alt_Click (windows) the fader for one track
- Shift_Option_Click (mac) Shift_Alt_Click (windows) for all selected tracks
- To bring all session faders to Zero, Option_Click (mac) Alt_Click (Windows) a track name which will select them all from which you can then use the shortcut above for all selected tracks.
Setting Multiple Outputs
- Control_Click (mac) Start_Click (windows) the track’s output for one track
- Option_Control_Click (mac) Alt_Start_Click (windows) for all tracks
- Shift_Option_Control_Click (mac) Shift_Alt_Start_Click (windows) for selected tracks.
Why: You can route tracks to multiple outputs for use with headphone mixes, monitor feeds or other parallel mix scenarios.

- Open an additional plug-in window: Shift_Click (mac & windows)the additional insert button(s)
- Open windows for each channel of a multi-mono plug-in-in: Option_Click (mac) Alt_Click (windows) the channel selector button (see video)
- Close all open plug-ins: Option_Click (mac) Alt_Click (windows) the close button on any open plug-in
Show Send Assignments
How: Command_Click (mac) Control_Click (windows) on a send assignment letter
Why: A great tool when you are using sends for a headphone mix.

Final Words
The finger-yoga style shortcuts described above will hopefully become a valuable asset in your mixing bag of tricks. Do let us know if you liked the tutorial by leaving a comment below or on Twitter.
Is there a shortcut to open the plugin parameters for a send without scrolling all the way to the bus channel where effect is inserted? In other words I have track 1 as vocal and I have a reverb send. If I want to adjust parameters I have to scroll to end of mixer view to where the effect bus channel is and click on its insert make adjustments etc. thanks
Hi, Todd!
Yes, unfortunately there is no other way. You have scroll to wherever your effect Auxiliary track is and click on the actual effect plug-in and modify the parameters.
Cool website. I direct a Recording Arts curriculum at the Fine Arts Center in Greenville, SC. with 12 students per year learning studio and remote recording, editing, mixing and mastering as much as they can cram into a 2 hour per day class.
If you don’t mind, this site would be a good referal tool for them especially when working at home or after hours.
Hi Eddie,
Thats great to hear and of course yes go straight ahead! We built this website exactly for that reason, to help people find their feet with the software and develop as they learn 🙂
All The Best